Selasa, 28 Februari 2012

Task 4

Diposting oleh Tanwirus Sariroh di 10.03 0 komentar
Dancing Deaths

July 1518, a woman named Frau Troffea called walking in one of the narrow street in Strasbourg, France, and began dancing a dance that lasted aboutfour or six days in a row. At the end of the week, 34 people participated in the dance, and in a month, the participants of this bizarre dance of 400 people.

Officials advised to "dance more often" to heal the dancers, but at the end ofsummer, lusian the Alsatian town died of a heart attack, stroke, fatigue due todance that does not stop at all. For several centuries, strange-called dancingplague or epidemic in 1518, the same can not be explained by variousscientists as to what caused the strange dance of death and miracles.

Task 3

Diposting oleh Tanwirus Sariroh di 08.16 0 komentar

rira: ari, what do you see our books?
ari: not where you put it?
we forgot
siska: rira, look at that. that we book?
rira: true
siska: how this book could have you ari?
ari: I do not know
siska: oh, brother!
rira: ari honest
ari: I really do not know
rira: ah, I'm very annoyed
ari: I'm sorry, I really do not know. the book
siska: lie
ari: rira, siska, is not that book you?
oh my god, we forgot we put there

Task 5

Diposting oleh Tanwirus Sariroh di 08.13 0 komentar

Mom          : Cinderella where are you?
Cinderella: what's up mom?
Mom          : why the floor very dirty?
Cinderella: Sorry mom, I was watering the plants
Mom          : oh no, what's a next ?
Cinderella : i'll finish, mom
Mom          : Quickly complete all the chores and help your sisters chose a dress for a party tonight.
Cinderella: Let

Night came
B: Cinderella please bring my dress
A: Cinderella please get my comb
B : Very slowly. It makes me mad
A: Cinderella please Trim the hair
B: Cinderella please bring my shoes
A: CinderellaPlease put the shoes
B: I'm also Cinderella

Mom          : Cinderella please keep the house
Cinderella: But mom I want to go
A, B            : Haha
A                 : Hi Cinderella does not deserve a woman like you come to the party
B                 : Yes, how is it possible you could have a pretty dress come to the party

Fairy godmother: Cinderella ..
Cinderella           : Huh? Who are you? How do you know my name?
Fairy godmother: Just call me a fairy godmother. Why do you cry?
Cinderella           : I want to go to a party. But both my sister and my stepmother would not
                               let her
Fairy godmother: Why?
Cinderella           : Because I do not have a party dress
Fairy godmother: Chill out Cinderella. I will help you
Cinderella           : How?
Fairy godmother: Calling all your friends, and they'll help
Cinderella           : My friends come here
Fairy godmother: Abdakadabra
Cinderella           : Wow this dress very prety
Fairy godmother: But remember you have to go home before 12 o'clock midnight.
Cinderella           : Let

Mom         : Some how these shoes should fit on your feet
A               : Do not worry mom, this shoe will fit on my feet. Oh this is too small shoes on my feet
B               : Haha pity, look it this. that shoes will fit me.
A               : Your legs are too small, my brother. haha
Mom         : What's the matter you Haduh
Cinderella: Mother can I try?
B               : Hey Cinderella's glass slipper which might fit on your feet
A               : Absolutely, you have come to the party
Cinderella put on her shoes
A               : How is it possible it could fit the glass slipper
B               : It's impossible.
Mom         : Embarrassing !

Selasa, 07 Februari 2012

Task 3

Diposting oleh Tanwirus Sariroh di 10.24 0 komentar
Blog Pendidikan :

Evaluasi :

Terdapat berbagai macam blog sekolah yang ada di Cianjur.  Kita juga dapat mendapatkan informasi dan berbagi informasi tentang dunia/ilmu pendidikan. Selain itu, kita juga bisa berkomunikasi (Chatting) sesama pengguna yang sedang membuka blog tersebut. Dan tampilan yang ada dalam blog juga praktis, sehingga dapat dengan mudah kita mencarinya.

Blog Kesehatan :
Evaluasi :

Di dalam blog ini terdapat berbagai macam informasi mengenai kesehatan, baik kesehatan verbal maupun modern. Terdapat juga berbagai macam makanan dan minuman yang baik untuk tubuh dan kesehatan kita. Dan tampilan yang ada juga menarik, sehingga kita tidak bosan dalam mengunjungi blog tersebut.

Blog Bisnis :
Evaluasi :
Terdapat banyak informasi tentang dunia bisnis, ada juga inspirasi bisnis, peluang bisnis, review bisnis, tips tentang bisnis, usaha kecil yang menguntungkan, dan masih banyak lagi. Tampilannya juga menarik, artikel yang di posting banyak yang diberi gambar.

Blog Personal :

Blog yang ditampilkan cukup simple namun menarik. Banyak artikel-artikel menarik seperti cerpen, puisi, dan juga tentang agama Islam. Disetiap posting juga ditambahkan gambar yang menarik.

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